Tutoring is aimed at helping the students to face and remove any obstacle which might prevent from the fruitful attendance at the courses. Tutors support students in their approach to university studies and in managing study times.
Tutoring is one of the possible tools to enhance the learning experience of the students, and to improve their university life through welcoming services and organizational support.
The specific tutoring for the Mathematics and Physics areas is primarily directed to first year students and aims at encouraging students' active learning and improve the smooth progress of their career of studies.
To achieve these targets, two to four tutors are assigned to each course, selected among the students of the Master's Degree in Mathematics and trained to support students in their studies.
A suitably spacious classroom is made available for two hours a week for carrying out exercises and discussing the topics covered and indicated by the teacher. Students have the opportunity to work independently or in small groups that form spontaneously and may vary over time. If they have difficulties, they can get the help of the tutors present in the classroom, who, in turn, are available to everyone.
A guidance tutoring service is also available. Guidance tutors help students with welcoming services and organizational support for the successful attendance of the courses. It is possible to contact the guidance tutors via email by writing to tutor-collina [at] unitn.it.