Research centers
CIRM: The "Centro Internazionale per la Ricerca Matematica" conducts seminars and meetings regarding mathematics research. The center also set up a range of activities (Visiting Professors and Visiting Scholars, Postdoc Fellowships, Research in Pairs) with the intention of stimulating the interaction between the mathematical research community of the Trento area and the international mathematical community.
COSBI: a bioinformatic research center operating in the fields of system nutrition, system pharmacology, and ecology.
Indam: Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica "Francesco Severi", local research unit in Trento.
TIFPA (Bell Project): Fundamental Problems in Quantum Physics.
matematita: an interuniversitary center of research for the communications and the informal learning of mathematics. Local unity of Trento.
OrientaMAT: research and development of software and online materials to improve the mathematical preparation of new students.